Milgaard Inquiry

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Larry Fisher - wrongly convicted?

Right. And George Bush did a stellar job on Katrina.

Beresh looks like a fool to question DNA and insist that the eyewitness testimony of one 15 year-old girl, who was held in the police station against her will overnight without counsel, was more reliable than modern science. I didn't think Fisher would be too helpful on the stand but I didn't expect him to try to gather sympathy for his plight.

Sorry, pal. Your long history of vicious rapes with a similar MO and your blood and semen at the crime scene said it all for me.

S Mac


  • At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Sigrid

    I Think your right

    When Milgaard was cleared by
    DNA tests it was a big news story.
    And than when Fisher was found guilty with DNA proof it was
    a real big deal in the news.

    Dan Wood

  • At 12:00 AM, Blogger Admin said…

    Hi Sigrid,
    I would think Dan is right about Fisher.

  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger Sigrid Macdonald said…

    Yep. Eye witness testimony doesn't match science esp in this case when the winnesses were drugged out, scared, coerced teens.


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