Milgaard Inquiry

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

At long last -- an apology!

Yesterday, CBC News reported that Elmer Ullrich, a former Saskatoon police officer, apologized for any actions that he may have taken that resulted in David Milgaard's wrongful conviction. In 1969, Ullrich wrote a summary outlining the evidence against Milgaard in the savage slaying of Gail Miller..

Ullrich's health prevented him from attending the inquiry but he sent a note, which was read by lawyer, Doug Hodson.

"I am sincerely sorry and wish to herewith express and extend my apologies to the Milgaards and in particular to David Milgaard for the mistake we made," Ullrich wrote, according to the CBC.

"I can only say I did not intend to find him guilty when he was innocent. At the time I thought we, the police, were right in charging him. Obviously we were not."

Joyce Milgaard cried again -- this time for joy.

"You finally hear someone say they're sorry. I'm so grateful," she said later.

Ullrich's statement was in stark contrast to that of Eddy Karst, who would not apologize last month.

"I certainly feel sorry for David Milgaard, or anyone else that has been wrongly incarcerated, or for Mrs. Milgaard having been put through this... However, I did nothing wrong in my opinion and I don't feel I have anything to apologize for," Karst was quoted as saying in yesterday's CBC News article.

Sigrid Mac


  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    for finding the story
    i referred to under "more on Karst" and started with "we have
    an apology"

    After reading this new story
    At long apology
    the word that springs to mind
    is Tunnelvision ...when they charged david milgaard

    My Nickname is Dan Wood
    In respect for
    A guy in a Saskatchwen Pen.
    who sayes he is wrongly convicted
    but Im not him

    Im a Guy who was very interested
    in the made for T.V. Documentary
    of David Milgaard

  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger Sigrid Macdonald said…

    Hi there, Dan

    Thanks for giving yourself a nickname. I haven't heard about that case in Saskatchewan. Can you give us more details?

    Why were you particularly interested in the Milgaard TV documentary?

    Yeah, re Mullins-Johnson, we will definitely be hearing more about that case. Sounds like a real travesty.

    TTYS :-) Sigrid

  • At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Again, Sigrid

    The story about Danny wood was in the Newspapers On Feb.16/05 His
    conviction was ordered back to the Alberta Court of Appeal. And your
    contacts in T.O. are reviewing the case.
    THe Milgaard T.V. Documentary
    was seen by many canadians. David
    stood-up for himself knowing he didn,t do the crime.Which is more than I could have done
    And he was not -- guilty So why was he being held for so long.
    That is two reasons i watched it.
    Was it in 2002 on CBC.
    Dan Wood


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