Milgaard Inquiry

Monday, June 13, 2005

The call for an Independent Judicial Board

AIDWYC has been calling for an independent judicial board for many years. We understand that various branches of the legal system will make mistakes at times -- sometimes catastrophic errors. But it is unreasonable to ask that same system to monitor itself. Just as many people find it difficult to say, "I'm sorry" or "I was wrong," so does the legal system. It also has trouble standing back and taking an objective look at itself. Sometimes, people have to investigate other people that they know. Other times, they have a vested interest in not blaming their police force or their province. It's easier for everyone's sake to have a panel that is not affiliated with the process. But good luck getting it!

On Saturday, June the 11th, there was a conference in St. John's, Newfoundland where various members of AIDWYC made their weary plea once again. Some of Canada's most well known victims of wrongful conviction spoke including Stephen Truscott, who has waited 46 years since he was sentenced to death row - he's still waiting for the Ontario Appeal Court. David M. was there along with Ronald Dalton and Gregory Parsons. Dalton was convicted of his wife's murder. As if that wasn't bad enough, Parsons was convicted of killing his mother! Imagine losing your spouse or parent and being unable to grieve because you're fighting for your own life. We need an independent panel and we need it now!

Sigrid Macdonald


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