Milgaard Inquiry

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Letter to Eddy Karst

Bent Romnes of London, Ontario posted this letter on my message board several days ago. I didn't see it right away because I have changed e-mail addresses and no longer receive notifications when people post on that board.

Bent is a longtime activist on behalf of the wrongly convicted. He has been an advocate for Steven Truscott for more than 30 years and has done considerable research on Truscott's case. This letter to Eddy Karst expresses the frustration and disbelief that many of us share that Karst cannot and will not apologize or admit any wrongdoing after all these years.

Sigrid Mac. September 7, 2005


I am so angry. When I get like that, I am at a loss for words. But at least I have to try to put in my 2 cents worth here.Karst et al put David through living hell for 23 years. Do you hear that, Canadian Government? TWENTY-THREE YEARS!! It is all said and done and the murderer has been caught with help from DNA. The inquiry, costing millions of the tax payers' money, is in full swing and lining up one wrong-doer after the other, putting them to task for the way they participated in the screw-up that landed Milgaard in jail. There stands Karst and every one of you who participated in this travesty of justice, with egg on your faces. You all know you did wrong, you sorry excuses for investigators, MP's or whatever job applies to you.Still, you have the nerve to stand up in front of Canada and say you have nothing to apologize to Mrs. Milgaard for???When you pull a stunt like that, you not only hurt Joyce. You hurt every justice-minded individual in Canada and beyond! Do you guys (and gals) not realize that these are the same Canadians you will be coming to for their vote in the next election?

Now, a few words to Karst who refused to apologize, and to the others who might be thinking of pulling the same stunt:Joyce Milgaard fought for her son for 23 years. A mother who knew better than anybody else that her son was and is innocent. A woman who in my mind portrays the very picture of Justice. Here she was; petitioning this or that MP or threatening to camp out on the front lawn of the Prime Minister, to make some of you deadbeats perk up and listen.Mrs. Milgaard is one of Canada's most highly respected women. You, sir, along with your cohorts in injustice, make a 180 turn.

Walk back to Mrs. Milgaard this very instant. If you have any self-respect, and respect for Justice, you will fall to your knees and apologize like a good boy.We will not stand for this garbage any longer.I hope this message gets to the inquiry somehow, along with the 1000's of others responding to that article.

Bent Romnes


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