Milgaard Inquiry

Monday, September 19, 2005

He doth protest too much

No big surprises re Larry Fisher's testimony today at the hearing. He denied any involvement in the Miller murder, which is consistent with all of his previous declarations, despite the fact that according to Tim Cook of the Canadian Press, at Fisher's trial it was reported that the odds were "950 trillion to one that the semen found on Miller's body did NOT belong to him." Hmm. How does he explain that one? Must be like O.J. Framed by the darned police in their zest to release Milgaard after 23 years behind bars.

Fisher is the 91st witness to appear before the Inquiry, which has cost $8 million so far. Judge MacCallum expects to hear from approximately 200 witnesses including Milgaard himself, probably sometime in January. I don't think that Dave is looking forward to having to relive this experience on the stand. The ordeal also seems to be taking quite a toll on Joyce.

Fisher will continue to enlighten us with his commentaries for several more days.

Sigrid Mac


  • At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Here we are all these years later
    with larry Fisher on the stand He is apparently going to protect himself.
    And resign any protest. Since he knows not to bite the hand that feeds him.

    Dan Wood

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Sigrid Macdonald said…

    Hi Dan,

    There's nothing in it for Fisher to confess at this point unless he were to become Born again or something. He seems pretty remorseless to me. I used to know his explanation for the DNA but I've forgotten it now :-(

    TTYA, Sigrid

  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I Agree

    Some people will try and right a wrong by telling the truth.
    In order to build a clean start
    and just say sorry i was wrong.

    Lets hope He see,s it that way

    Dan Wood


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