Milgaard Inquiry

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Howard Shannon

Howard Shannon has been testifying this week. Before David's arrest in 1969, he had been selling subscriptions to Macleans magazine, going door to door in Western Canada. Shannon was one of his bosses and he was present when David was arrested. Shannon said that he never believed that David could have committed such a heinous act because he was a nice boy, polite and well mannered, and successful at sales because people liked him.

According to CBC, Howard Shannon paid the bills for Regina lawyer Tony Merchant to represent Dave in the early 1980s because Shannon believed so much in David's innocence. However, Joyce Milgaard began to suspect that Howard had applied for the police reward in the Gail Miller murder. She wrote that in her book, A Mother's Story, which Shannon found very upsetting.

This week Joyce had the opportunity to apologize to Howard Shannon for her misconception. He graciously accepted her words and reiterated that he had always supported David.

Sigrid Mac


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