Milgaard on trial
The latest news that I've read said that Joyce Milgaard was accused of lying by Garrett Wilson, the lawyer for Serge Kujawa, former Crown prosecutor. Wilson asked Milgaard about her flying experience and suggested that she was not being truthful about how many hours she had spent in the air.
He went on to say that Joyce Milgaard had staged tears last week when she was shown the letter from former Justice Minister Kim Campbell, in order to elicit greater sympathy from the inquiry.
"I suggest to you, Ms. Milgaard, that that incident was entirely feigned, contrived, staged -- in fact phoney," Wilson said.
Milgaard vehemently denied the accusations.
"I would not for one moment resort to ploys like that at this inquiry," she said. "This is an inquiry that I hope the truth will come out of. You'd think I would actually ... do something like that? I find that obscene." (source =Betty Ann Adam and Julie Saccone, Saskatchewan News Network; CanWest News Service.)
Joyce also refused to answer questions after being called a liar. However, earlier in the day, she did admit that just as the police were caught up in their own tunnel vision that prevented them from seeing David's innocence, so was she preoccupied with her own theories as to who the real killer might have been.
After all the Milgaards have been through over the years, it is very sad to see them under attack here in the very forum that is supposed to be seeking final justice for them. I have serious doubts as to whether or not this process will bring any real closure, answers or accountability to this case in the long run.
Sigrid Mac
At 11:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
The newspaper in Saskatoon also
ran the same story.
Surprised, they called her
back again.
The Justice system has changed the laws, since 1969. Some good
changes are already in place to
avoid the original mis-carriage
of the law as it is today.
Learning something new..everyday
Dan Wood
At 3:40 PM,
Sigrid Macdonald said…
Hi Dan,
How are you doing? Hope that you're enjoying your summer. It's raining here in Ottawa -- nice for the grass but not the people!
Which laws in particular are you referring to that have been changed since 1969? Capital punishment is the first one that comes to my mind. Also, I spoke to someone in AIDWYC recently and she said that since the Guy Paul Morin inquiry, the use of jailhouse informants has decreased dramatically. That's good news!
Have a great weekend.
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