Milgaard Inquiry

Thursday, May 11, 2006

People Weren't Doing Their Jobs Right

Joyce Milgaard claimed that she was forced into becoming a private eye because other people were not doing their jobs right. She said that she pulled all night stakeouts and disguised herself in wigs in her sleuthing attempts to discover information that would exonerate her son.

In addition, Joyce read through all of the trial transcripts, knocked on doors looking for old witnesses and spent an inordinate amount of time researching and investigating the cold case.

"The more she learned, the less she trusted those around her, including lawyer Calvin Tallis, who defended her son at trial," CBC News reported.

Betty Ann Adam of the Star Phoenix explained that after Joyce re-enacted the crime scene and found it to be implausible, she began to suspect that prosecutor Bobs Caldwell didn't buy it either. In 1982, Joyce wanted to see Caldwell's files but she was afraid that he wouldn't give them to her and she'd forgotten that Caldwell had already given authorization for her lawyer, Gary Young to look at them.

Instead, Joyce asked writer Peter Carlyle-Gordge to approach Caldwell and he did so without any difficulty or obstruction. "In a taped interview, Caldwell told Carlyle-Gordge that he got along with Milgaard's defence lawyer, Cal Tallis, and remarked that the pair of them had worked together to get a man locked away forever, " Betty Ann Adam wrote; this comment made Joyce suspicious of her own lawyer, Tallis. In retrospect she understands that there was no impropriety on his part but at the time it seemed as though he may have been in collusion with Caldwell.

Sigrid Mac


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